By brbkillingmyself - 08/08/2015 22:52 - United States

Today, in the second week of August, hell has come to earth; my mom has been playing Christmas music all afternoon and is already searching online for decorations. I hope she buys a length of rope to go with them, because I've already given up on life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 966
You deserved it 2 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DivineZero 18

I'm all for the holiday spirit, but damn, some people start in on this shit way too early

I don't like x-mas and damn that's gotta be rough dealing with that. I feel for you.


DivineZero 18

I'm all for the holiday spirit, but damn, some people start in on this shit way too early

I have two small kids, so Christmas is a big deal for us as a family. I try to start planning out presents and decorations early enough to not get stressed out in the time before the holidays. That means I collect ideas in the first two weeks of November, buy everything in the last two weeks of November, first decorations go up on Dec. 1st, rest gets gradually added over the next three weeks. August, though? Way, way too early!

Yeah like halloween and thanksgiving didn't even pass yet. Just a month ago halloween was trending on social media like wtf

My mum was listening to Christmas music the whole way home from our vacation. It was a 12 hour drive.

@49: Probably because there's that whole 'Halloween in July' or 'Trick-or-Treating in July'. I can't remember how or why it started though.

I don't like x-mas and damn that's gotta be rough dealing with that. I feel for you.

You know if you add a few comas and replace a few words this could be a poem.

If you add a few commas to anything it becomes a poem

You know I never believed it when people used "I just woke up" as an excuse for a stupid comment and know I believe them.

Did you know to believe or do you only believe them now?

Treating christmas like a presidential race, and starting way before anyone wants or cares about it.

Look at the bright side, she'll have 4 months to think of what to get you and not have to get you something last minute.

My coworker has all of her Christmas shopping done.

Not gonna lie, but my Christmas shopping has been done since this past Tuesday. Not excluding myself, follow USA rugby; so I shop the lie what my foster brothers interests are and shop around that. The hat, jacket and my backpack. But really, most people are batshit angry insane 2 days after my 21st

Probably, proper presents will do the trick ;) But I'm not shure.

1dvs_bstd 41

FYL as well as your neighbors.

'Tis NOT the season to be jolly. If she start so early it'll all fizzle out by October.