By farmakakis - 21/12/2009 06:25 - Australia

Today, I wore a pair of glasses with no lenses because I thought I'd look smarter. I ended up poking myself in the eye several times, leaving it swollen. So much for making me look smarter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 646
You deserved it 56 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pnckswthsrp 0

How do wearing lens-less glasses make you look in any way smarter? :P

The key to looking smarter is to be smarter. instead of wearing fake glasses, try actually studying and reading. Then you'll look smarter. Wearing fake glasses with the lenses out will just make you look too poor to get real glasses. Moron.


Stupid people run in packs. Maybe someone saw it & thought "Hey, that's a great idea!"

Trying to look cool But to the population You're still a dumb bitch

very nice haiku friend those who receive will be mad you win most grandly

Stotan... how many syllables do you think "very" has? Or "haiku"? Because you failed at one of them...

Hai-ku. Excuse me if i talk different, it's the accent. I knew someone was going to call me on that.

ver-y, you dumb bitch you need to speak smarter you failed twice as much

brutal_banger failed he had just six syllables in his second line =]

zendaddy0 0

even if you put the glasses on right you still look like a total retard you can see it in the way they walk and act

#142 I hate to point out Your first line has six not five But A for effort

That's a bit of a debate, failed is 1 syllable I think. You don't count stuff like s at the end of a word or stiff like that.

pnckswthsrp 0

How do wearing lens-less glasses make you look in any way smarter? :P

i agree this would jus make you look like you lost some sight in yer eyes...which contrary to popular belief doesnt make you any more intelligent.

f-our-lives for being on the same planet as them..-.-

Honestly! Since glasses without any lenses look noticeably different from regular ones, you would end up looking even more stupid then you already do.

Personally, I think they make people look like they're stupid. Like this person. What a douchenozzle.

If I saw someone with lense-less glasses I would that they were an attention seeking retard

Intellectualist 0

Short sightedness is a disability... You wouldn't look smarter in a fashion wheelchair would you? You obviously need help in the brains department.

is a disability??? are u serious?! no being in a wheelchair is a disability, wearing glasses is 100% not!

pnckswthsrp 0

I wouldn't say 100% not. Some people can barely see at all without glasses. I can't see anything more than 6 inches away without mine.

it's a disability but not a major one we can't see well and nothing much else but being in a wheel chair is a major disability coz the can't walk or in some cases can't move their bodys at all

You're right, wearing glasses isn't a disability. Neither is sitting in a wheelchair. However, REQUIRING glasses, just like requiring a wheelchair, is a disability. EDIT: ******* hell, I'm a smartarse ****.

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

Let me guess, you're the obese high schooler with a butch haircut who wears capes to school and makes animal noises whenever someone tries to talk to you.

Gondile 4

15 bucks that I'm a moose molester, too. Oops.

The key to looking smarter is to be smarter. instead of wearing fake glasses, try actually studying and reading. Then you'll look smarter. Wearing fake glasses with the lenses out will just make you look too poor to get real glasses. Moron.

My God! Is that true? Fun fact, I got glasses from reading. I was young and naive and got a nightlight to read in the dark. And now I'm very smart. (Just too lazy to apply my intelligence that much, unless it's the odd tidbit here or there)

wearing fake glasses makes you look smarter? where the hell do you live

Haha...if anything fake ones make you look like a dumbass

having bad eyesight doesn't equal intelligence some of the smartest kids in my class don't have glasses...but i am the smartest in the class and have glass means nothing my mum has glasses and my dad does to so i was probs gonna get glass

Nice run-on sentence you've got going there, Dragonforce511! xD

You could have at least got fake glasses with lenses in :/