By Xpload - 29/01/2014 18:26 - United States - Lake Orion

Today, I woke up with a skull-splitting headache. I braved the wind and freezing temperatures to get to work. Today is also the day my boss thought it would be cute to let the elementary school band play at our office. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 461
You deserved it 4 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JMichael 25

Oh I remember being in band in elementary.. It wasn't pretty. Sorry OP.


They're usually terrible concerts, but hey- A+ for effort. And OP- that sounds like hell to go through.

noise actually doesn't affect headaches that's all in your head

Naproxen and caffeine, my friend. If that doesn't touch it, and you don't have codeine or something else of that strength, then I know that hell. Cluster headaches. For two years they woke me up every night at 3am with agony that lasted about an hour. I'm talking ice pick being driven through my eyeball pain. Doc finally said ( after I go to the third one) a week of steroids to break the cycle, then started me on topamax to prevent them. Skull splitting headaches can make you into a monster. Keep hydrated and caffeinated if you're someone who has a caffeine dependency, and invoke the word 'migraine' even if it isn't the most accurate. People don't respect a headache. A migraine can get people to actually be considerate.