By Anonymous - 04/03/2012 07:07 - United States

Today, things were getting heated with my boyfriend and I told him that I was finally ready to lose my virginity. Clearly he couldn't wait to get started because he fell asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 834
You deserved it 4 241

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Morgannnnuhhh 1

Girlfriend: "babe, I love you and I'm ready to lose my virginity to you." Boyfriend: "aright let me take a nap first?" Op, that would reallllly boost my confidence. Maybe that is a sign he isn't the one to lose it to. Take the hint.


Morgannnnuhhh 1

Girlfriend: "babe, I love you and I'm ready to lose my virginity to you." Boyfriend: "aright let me take a nap first?" Op, that would reallllly boost my confidence. Maybe that is a sign he isn't the one to lose it to. Take the hint.

thrAsHeRr9081 16

You got him so worked up that he ended up exhausted. You should be proud! Lololol

The perfect anti-sex thing for women, or she's just that amazing

Dante17 6

so much i would had given that my ex (2 and half years when we were together) told me that. i would give all. but it never happened... he is a douche for falling asleep at such opportunity

Dante17 6

I'm guy dude, in case you misjudge

Your gender is impertinent to the many shortcomings of your comment, 40.

Nobody cares about your ex, this is the OPs' FML not yours...

In other words, no one gives a shit :)

joeyl2008 29

Maybe he wasn't ready but didn't know how to say that so he faked sleep

Aw. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise?

I_Hug_Cats 26

Looks like things weren't heated enough. :O

Or they were so heated, he's suffering from heat exhaustion.

Gah. I love both of your pictures!!! Must .. Google .. Both .. For phone backgrounds!!

EmilySiler 0

Yeah, maybe he's not the one to lose it to....

Morgannnnuhhh 1

Yeah, couldn't have said it better myself... Oh wait... I did!

alliewillie 22
laynethetrain 0

dang morgan, that was mean you're cool since you said it first

laynethetrain 0

I wonder how some people make out cos how can one fall asleep while/when things are "getting heated"??

What are you taking about? It's super easy that I have become an expert at it. For those wondering, I am proud.

SecretMe00 5

I agree. I'm married to one.

drlove78843 6

I think it depends on how old you are. Generally, older people are less horny.

laynethetrain 0

#11 finally someone who agrees with me

Crazy like the wolf... But not me...

SecretMe00 5

It's not all about the age either. My husband is 23... He's still young so that's not the answer.