By carsuck - 11/11/2009 05:55 - United States

Today, I woke up at 6:00 am to the sound of somebody laying on their horn outside my apartment. I ran outside to yell at them only to find out it was my car. The horn was shortcircuting. All my neighbors stood on their porch laughing as I repeatedly punched my steering wheel to make it stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 371
You deserved it 4 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

god damn I would have loved to have seen you driving to the mechanics with your horn going off "omg, wtf is that guy behind me beeping for, its a red light you ********!"

That would be really embarrassing. Sorry OP. I am wondering how effective punching the steering wheel was in remedying this.


That would be really embarrassing. Sorry OP. I am wondering how effective punching the steering wheel was in remedying this.

Back in my day we either pulled the fuse or unhooked the battery.

This'd only be a FML if you were beaten by an awoken neighbor LOL!!

...and then got locked out only wearing your pajamas.

...And then got locked out half-naked with only your robe in 20 degree weather. ;P

DanGleesak 11

And then got attacked by a bear with a sword.

god damn I would have loved to have seen you driving to the mechanics with your horn going off "omg, wtf is that guy behind me beeping for, its a red light you ********!"

Rapt0rJesus 0

^^^^ THIS IDIOT, also, what if he simply removed the power cable of the horn. What a bunch of morons...

lightningbolt13 0

wow..... you so fail dood. but this is funny.

Aha. Hey man, try not to think too much FML. It's a funny story. Laugh with your neighbors and it'll be much better.

Exactly. At least they all laughed about it instead of coming outside at such unruly hours to kick the ever loving crap out of OP for waking them up.

Mx_Rider 6

lmfao the whole... i ran outside to yell at them made me laugh op you know you wouldnt do shizz bahh haah

Yeah, I can't help but laugh at that, too. She didn't even mention getting her gun out.

troyboyd05 0

MxRider and you would? Didnt think so, because you say shizz.

da_page09 0

What I'm wondering is how did she get in the car, it was probably locked and she just ran out, did she grab her keys to go yell at someone?

SaltyCheeseFry 4

Un_Luckey_One 0

i feel your pain it's happened to me twice once at 11 something at night after I had gone to bed and the next time at 4 in the freaking morning...

oh man same thing happened to my roommate a couple years ago. We spent the entire day listening to someone laying on the horn off and on again, finally went outside to yell at them only to find it was his car. Totally hilarious.

The same thing happened to me I was at my girlfriends house it was in the afternoon and heard somebody leaning on the horn a was getting pissed my girlfriends mom came home and asked my why my car was honking at her. My problem was water had gotten into the relay under the dash and shorted it out to stop it I had to pull the relay out to stop it and when i got a new relay my horn sounded like crap it got burnt out for honking so much. lol