By Mary - 21/11/2008 10:06 - France

Today, after a year together, my boyfriend admitted to me that in bed I had as much an effect on him as a crossword puzzle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 288
You deserved it 4 368

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's one heck of a compliment, coz crosswords KICK ASS! :)

I was about to suggest that you try to do something about it. Become more active, use your imagination, and learn to get something out of it, hopefully an ******. But then I realised people can't really change that much.


That's one heck of a compliment, coz crosswords KICK ASS! :)

I was about to suggest that you try to do something about it. Become more active, use your imagination, and learn to get something out of it, hopefully an ******. But then I realised people can't really change that much.

Yea was going to come up with a clever metaphor but i got nothing.

Crossword puzzles are only fun at work. FYL.

alicemassie 0

either he gets really turned on by crossword puzzles or he's an ass. either way, dump him.

privera92 0

Hahaha! That's a good one, your boy has quite the creative imagination. Wait... Let me use that one on my girl to see her reaction...

thats his fault then for failing to stimulate you. Seriously, thats why guys should take top for a while until we don't suck terribly. I'm sorry though, I'm assuming he's incredibly stuck up, and rathers porno sex where the girl starts moaning just cause she's kissed. Once again, I'm sorry :(

What are 5 words that create a huge turn-on? A guy who likes crosswords! hmm...not as cool a I thought it would sound. Maybe he really likes crosswords.

Well, I mean, think about this, was it a Sunday times kinda crossword puzzle or a kiddie religious one? Because that changes everything. Everything!!