By nick - 24/12/2010 02:21 - United States

Today, the horn in my car decided to malfunction. It honked continuously for an hour as I drove down the highway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 417
You deserved it 3 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is how to fix things, just ignore it.

hmm let's see... you're on a highway, trying to go somewhere, and your horn malfunctions...are you going to sit there and wait for it to possibly (ahem probably NOT) stop malfunctioning or ate you gonna try to get to where ever you need to go to get it fixed?


That is how to fix things, just ignore it.

i tried that with herpes and it just got worse :S any other genius suggestions?

PurplePeeps 0

That's how we do it down south. What? The other drivers are getting pissed? Who gives a ****, this is America. My ancestors died for the sake of this country, so I deserve to honk as long as I please.

I_R_Genius 3

Why didn't you pull over and pll the wires out of it? Or atleast just cut the ******* thing in half.

ydi for not becoming an official squeegee technician

u coulda just pulled over turned ur car off and taken the fuse out...not that hard

Ya know, 27, for a genius, you're really not /that/ smart.

MrSStrupe514 0

holy crap op u were so ******* annoying at the highway.

haha this is one of the FMLs that actually made me laugh.

Acousticpixie14 6

Ummmm, I agree FYL...but why did you continue to drive with it blaring? Did you brain decide to malfunction, too?

hmm let's see... you're on a highway, trying to go somewhere, and your horn malfunctions...are you going to sit there and wait for it to possibly (ahem probably NOT) stop malfunctioning or ate you gonna try to get to where ever you need to go to get it fixed?

PurplePeeps 0

Ahahaha... Oh wait, you're serious? Maybe pull over? Try to discover the source of the problem, instead of being an absolute asshole to everyone around you? No wonder your name's 'princess'.

step one pull over. step two find fuse labeled horn. step three pull fuse. step four continue driving.

I wouldn't want to stick my head in a car bonnet when the horns blaring. itisloud.

how i this an fml that would be hilarious

Acousticpixie14 6

Hey one's name is "princess" :P

81 check the first person who replied to you, dumb bitch

Acousticpixie14 6

Yeahhhh...PurplePeeps was the first to reply. Really? Is "dumb bitch" the best you could come up with?

actually, princess711 was the first to reply, and no, dumb bitch wasn't the best I could come up with, but I wasn't being insulting, just making an observation. :)

Acousticpixie14 6

Ohhhh I see...well you should probably refrain from making self observations when talking to another person. You may confuse them into thinking your juvenile attempt at an insult was directed at them. I don't know what page you're on, but when I look under my comment, the very first one there is from PurplePeeps and it has been so every time I have looked at the page.

sorry... the first one is princess lmao. fml is probably just glitching for you.

Well it would suck for the driver and people who have to stay beside him for a while, but if that car passed me and got away from me quick then yeah it would be hilarious

demonpuppeh 10

You pull over and tank it out. It's literally that easy

Daileass 0

You were secretly horny weren't you OP!?

FuckMyEveryth1ng 0

I suppose this is a FYL, but really? This is what made the cut? Is FML running out of interesting stories?

Is that what usually works? Does driving on the freeway fix it?

This is strait outta Little Miss Sunshine. and I love it. <3

tdog_ossim 0

justwonderin, but why is there no #8? i know, thats random

I would pay to see this, actually no I wouldn't as I don't have any money. But I would be a typical woman driver and drive around with my hand on the horn just for the lolz. And honk at people on bikes <3

memo619 0

I would love to see a woman do that

oh no. your car had a small problem. not reeeally an FML is it though?

silverFML 0

No it's an FML to the people that she was driving around so what one of them would post is... Today i was driving and the asshole next to me held his horn down the full hour we were driving next to each other i now have a headach that will not stop, FML.

dumbass... people who drive near you only do so for a short time, while you have to put up with the horn noise for an hour

unless your stuck in traffic, I would hate to be stuck next to this person

you should practice better vehical maintenance