By Anonymous - 18/05/2015 18:41 - United Kingdom

Today, one of my idiot co-workers thought it'd be hilarious to "fix" my car while I was working. Now every time I step on the brake pedal, the horn goes off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 394
You deserved it 2 646

Same thing different taste

Top comments

californiapoppy 11

Just stop in their driveway at 3am for a nice wake up call and thank you

At least it gives other cars fair warning before you ram in to them.


MnM0609 22

I've seen so many YouTube videos of this. It's funny for others, sucks when you look like a jackass for honking tho.

lexiieeex3 32

That's actually extremely dangerous and can scare both OP and other drivers. What thoughtless coworkers, wow.

Everything is extremely dangerous, you can get hurt or die doing pretty much anything, so who the hell cares if it's dangerous, don't be a little bitch

Yes 52, because everything in life is equally dangerous. Which is why the number of deaths related to watching TV (per 100 people who watch TV) is about equal to the number of deaths of people who drag race while intoxicated (per 100 people who do so).

Leprekhaun 14

#64, 52 wasnt saying the death rate is equal but hes not wrong about everything being potentially being dangerous. I do disagree with his use of language.

ChristianH39 30

Everything is potentially dangerous, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't use a little common sense where it's easy to avoid.

ShannonBitt 29

I don't understand how they go on with driving like that. Don't they press the brakes when they put the car in gear? Unless I really needed to get somewhere, I'd avoid driving it until it's un-"fixed"

lexiieeex3 32

52- Do what you want with your life but you don't have the right to jeopardize other people's lives like OP's coworkers did. That's #1 ****** up and #2 illegal

33, Thats why you wire it into the parking lights instead :]

zman92 13

Its especially dangerous if you run across someone with a bad temper and they try to kick your ass. People are crazy these days

Ouch. Begin plotting your revenge now!

Yeah op saw the same YouTube video and made up a story about it obviously

At least it gives other cars fair warning before you ram in to them.

But it's no fun ramming into people if they know you're coming! Where's the sport in that? ;)


sounds like somebody trying to justify rape

californiapoppy 11

Just stop in their driveway at 3am for a nice wake up call and thank you

Wasn't there another recent FML about this?

epilepticloh 20
AnOriginalName 19

Maybe because they pulled such a stunt during one trip? Those wankers never invite me to anything.

That's actually a great idea. .well except when you're parking!

Put the brakes on in front of your co-worker's house for about an hour.