By Noname - 13/03/2009 03:42 - United States

Today, I woke up to find my car broken into. After being upset for not hearing my car alarm go off I realized it had in the middle of the night. I had woken up and cursed the idiot who set off their alarm and put a pillow over my head, falling back to sleep shortly after. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 782
You deserved it 54 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tall_Kid 0

Make your car alarm play music so every robber gets rick-rolled when they try to steal your car.

This is a common problem where most people don't know what their own car alarm sounds like or has a very generic sound. At least it went off so your insurance should handle it. Still... dumbass!


This is a common problem where most people don't know what their own car alarm sounds like or has a very generic sound. At least it went off so your insurance should handle it. Still... dumbass!

Sessee 4

This is why more people need to get a custom car alarm that plays Rick Astley.

Tall_Kid 0

Make your car alarm play music so every robber gets rick-rolled when they try to steal your car.

haha or make it play slipknot so it scares the shit out of them

...and that's why car alarms are totally f***ing useless.

Capybara 0

People really need to stop buying cars with alarms. Nobody pays attention to them; they're just an annoyance.

So you're the asshole who leaves their alarm on in the middle of the night. I hope they stole something valuable.

zebendyone 0

And that, my friend, is why car alarms are useless. #3, Agreed! Custom car alarms. You can choose it like a cell phone ringer.

okay this is both your life sucks, AND you deserved it hahahahaha i do feel sorry for you, but come on, that's hilarious