By Anonymous - 02/01/2015 16:20 - Canada - Milton

Today, I woke up at 4am needing a piss, only to walk in on my fuckstick brother combing his pubes with our mom's toothbrush. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 168
You deserved it 2 675

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thee_most_dope 30

"Fuckstick" is the only way to describe someone like that. Yuck.

cadillacgal79 32

I foresee a FML from your mother in the future....


CallMeWindSock 24

I foresee an FML in your mom's future

I'd like to know why #1 got so many less likes than #2 when they basically posted the same thing

cadillacgal79 32

Earlier he did not have that typed down.

cadillacgal79 32

I foresee a FML from your mother in the future....

nataliewby 25

"Today, I found out my son has been combing his pubes with my toothbrush. FML"

'today, i found three strands of curly black pubic hair in my toothbrush before i brushed. i think they're my son's. FML'

thee_most_dope 30

"Fuckstick" is the only way to describe someone like that. Yuck.

After coming across that word, "fuckstick," I read it aloud several times. It has a nice ring to it.

xninix_fml 36

I think that's going to my new favorite insult :)

Anyone else wonder what he uses the floss for ?

malea_17 16

That's not a FML for you that's a fml for your mom! Be generous and throw the toothbrush away and buy her a new one.

Wtf why would you even need to comb your pubes? Might want to tell your mum...

I comb my beard when it's long but, I don't think I have ever had puns long enough to brush, or a desire to brush them.

A beard and pubes are two different things

Actually, beards are pubic hair. Just on the face instead. But they are still pubic hair.

how is a beard pubic hair when it's not even in the pubic region?

tantanpanda 26

facial hair = hair on the face pubic hair = hair in the pubic region

Well you can't expect him to use his own toothbrush can you? It's just common sense.