By tokinallday - 02/01/2015 19:23 - United States - Kingsport

Today, my mom and step-dad tore my room apart looking for the stash of drugs they thought I had. I've never touched drugs in my life, and I guess they believe me now. Didn't stop them from making me clean up the mess they made, though. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 364
You deserved it 2 501

Same thing different taste

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Well guess you have to clean not only your rooms but your parents trust towards you. What I'd like to know is why they thought that.

Parents will go to the fullest until proven wrong


Well guess you have to clean not only your rooms but your parents trust towards you. What I'd like to know is why they thought that.

michaelaranda 28

Some parents are just really paranoid and worried for their kids

Yeah. I'm fifteen and My mom won't let me go anywhere without an adult with my friends. Not the mall, not the park that's literally a block away not even just to their houses. Basically I'm treated like a six year old in a teenage body

That sucks dude. My friends and I never took that shit as kids. We called our parents a bitch, we never gave a ****.

My parents would've beat my ass into next week if I called them anything like that.

Wow 19, Aren't you a tough boy for calling your parents a bitch. Anyway, @14 it's nice to know that your parents care so much about you, but they are taking being protective way too far.

I remember my freshman year of Highschool I went to the first home football game. When I got home, my dad sniffed (like I swear he turned into a breathalizer) me and made me look him in the eyes and say I didn't do drugs. I've never done drugs in my entire life.

Parents will go to the fullest until proven wrong

Only problem with many adults once an idea is in there mind, nothing even the truth can change there mind.

Parents are crazy sometimes. To think that most of us are going to be parents is frightening

Just sit down, give them a smirk when they are searching and freak them outXD

That would actully make the situation worse since they would of thougt that OP moved it or something

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The thing is parents like this will do it again in a week. They feel they have done nothing wrong which is probably why they made OP clean the mess.

CallMeWindSock 24

Have you given them a reason not to trust you before?

Get a whole lot of powdered sugar into little baggies and put them into their cars. Probably shouldn't do this but it'd be funny .

Well... At least they care enough to look... And look... And look

Take a bunch of green leaves, and leave them to dry. Then crush them, and put them in little bags. Hide them in your parent's room and listen to their argument.

oh god, I have deal with that every time I leave the house. my mom's boyfriend thinks I deal drugs lol