By Nick - 05/06/2016 21:59

Today, I was swimming in a public pool, and I felt a tug on my swimming trunks. It was my grandma snorkeling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 735
You deserved it 1 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't really understand the FML in this situation

Did she pull them down? I don't see the problem here. More info would be great


I don't really understand the FML in this situation

Did she pull them down? I don't see the problem here. More info would be great

nesteremily 31

Hey at least she didn't pull them down.

LOL. I came to the comments with hopes of an explanation but nobody understands. I feel better.

jcash52426 5

Just be glad you have a grandma. I'd give anything to have my grandma back to tease me

chrisbeaudoin 26

Nobody really knows what you mean op, this is one of the most pointless fmls I've seen lately

I can only assume she grabbed your dick, otherwise what?

Was it like sexual or something? That'd be ****** but besides that there's nothing I can see FML worthy.