By Waitingtomoveout - 12/01/2017 17:09

Today, I had to remove my brother's pubic hairs from the bathtub before bathing my son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 411
You deserved it 769

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Superbaker123 14

Why not make him clean it up? Does he not have any consideration for others?

takeittoem 8

<p>Ugh... should have made HIM do it....</p>


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takeittoem 8

<p>Ugh... should have made HIM do it....</p>

Superbaker123 14

Why not make him clean it up? Does he not have any consideration for others?

Must have been a hairy situa.... nevermind..

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#6 sometimes things happen that are beyond our control

Frankly it's irresponsible to have a kid or engage in unprotected sex if you can't support yourself.

<p>Maybe they could support themselves, then got on hard times and had to move back home? we don't know how old the son is, even 5 year olds need help bathing.&nbsp;</p>

jencredible 1

It's like I could've written this. Glad I'm not the only one :(

Um... What?? Just because OP lives with family doesn't make them a bad parent, and their son probably has an even stronger support system in the home because of it. Don't be so judgemental.

That was directed toward #6. Also, not sure why the app isn't letting me directly edit my comment, sorry.