By Sisterly Love - 02/01/2015 05:37 - United States - Saline

Today, my sister compared me handling the news of recently being told that I have a devastating and very possibly fatal autoimmune disease, to that of a teenager being melodramatic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 101
You deserved it 2 835

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kewpiesuicide 29

My brother has ALPS (autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome). It's super rare and has a high fatality rate but as he got older, his body fought it off. Now he's healthy as a horse. Don't give up!

That's not easy to hear, especially from someone close. I hope you are going to be ok, OP and that you receive some better support.


That's not easy to hear, especially from someone close. I hope you are going to be ok, OP and that you receive some better support.

Says nothing about being close, only about being blood relatives.

Considering op was trying to confide in the sister, I'd think it's safe to assume they are somewhat close.

I wouldn't assume that. If my brother knew something personal about me, it would be because my parents told him.

Not everyone is like you, some people speak to their family members.

Okay think for a second. Op is talking to the sister about the subject of the disease. If they weren't close op wouldn't continue to confide into the sister, let alone take that much offense to her opinion.

brasiliano 16

i think u are all wrong is doesn't say they were close. It doesn't say they were talking, it doesn't her sister knew before her and doesn't give op age. If op is under 16 she wud have needed to be told by her parents or with her parents at doctor and obviously the sister would have known afterwards. If op is over 18 she wud have gotten home from doctor and told her parents and cudnt exactly tell her sister to leave the room if they weren't close. even if she wasn't in room . she wud have know later. And u can be offended by anyone's opinion. not just someone u r close to.

#33 articulated my point with specifics. There are obvious ways OP's sister could have found out without directly telling her. Chances are, if that's how she reacted, OP would have known she wasn't going to have anything positive to say and wouldn't have told her in the first place.

How did this conversation devolve into dissecting OP's words to discover the semantics behind then and being able to then decipher the nature of the sibling relationship? How about we agree that we have no way of know how close the siblings are (unless OP clarifies) and that the bottom line is that the sister is an unsupportive bitch.

Btw, #33, yes that assumption that the siblings are close could end up being incorrect, but it's a natural assumption to make. You didn't need to make a big deal out of someone making that assumption. It seems like you are projecting here...

I'm not "close", persay, with my sister. If I found out I had a potentionally fatal disease, hell yeah I'd inform her. If they weren't on speaking terms and the sister found out from OP's parents, she wouldn't be able to judge OP's reaction the way she did, rendering this entire argument moot. I also read into her acting like a "melodramatic teenager" as if OP is no longer in her teens and is an adult. This could be untrue, but that was my interpretation.

I'm sorry to hear that OP, I hope you can get better! And ignore your sister.

You don't "get better" when you have an autoimmune disease it's a chronic illness meaning forever. You can go into remission but you don't "get better"

Thank you #29, that is what I meant by that I hope that OP can deal with the disease. And #24 my mother has the same thing and there are days she feels awful and days she feels great and the feeling great can last a long time sometimes so I was just wishing OP can feel great more than awful. There is nothing wrong with giving OP positive energy to get through this

well its not that she can get better. I have 3 autoimmune diseases and you just have to live with them but by get better #4 probably meant that it will be easier to cope with. I'm sorry your sister isn't very sympathetic towards you OP.

I have been dealing with my own autoimmune disease since I was 13 I know what you mean by she feels great one day and terrible the next. I've been on prednisones doses as high as 60 mg and have tried almost every immune suppressant nothing is working. So when I say you don't get better it's because you have to work for it it doesn't just happen and when you do "get better" we call it remission because it's not the flu and and do you have to work for remission you don't work to get better when you do achieve remission you call it remission because it's a more valued word people have a better understanding of what goes into achieving remission you are chronically ill person then when you just get better. I haven't been lucky enough to go into total remission but everyone's different and a lot of the chronically ill people (including myself) don't like it when people say get well soon or get better. But I do understand what you're saying

cryssycakesx3 22

no need to rip someone apart for how they word their well wishes.

I just want to know who voted YDI for this FML. And why they voted that

Its also easy to accidentally hit it when you are on the mobile. I always feel really horrid when that happens.

I just LOVE it when people say things like that! Anyone else? No? Just kidding, that's extremely ignorant!

Oh, believe me. I don't usually try that hard. Am I incorrect though?

kitsune309 15

Honey... Honey, really stop trying so hard...

That's awful :( is there anyone else that can support you? If not please check whether there are and support networks in your area, you really don't have to go through this alone

kewpiesuicide 29

My brother has ALPS (autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome). It's super rare and has a high fatality rate but as he got older, his body fought it off. Now he's healthy as a horse. Don't give up!

Your sister is a heartless piece of ice! How can someone close be so cold? I hope you'll be ok OP! Always keep fighting!