By Coyote - 06/07/2019 18:00

Today, a couple of friends and I went camping in a national park. When we got there, a ranger came up to us and said, "There have been many sightings of coyotes, don't worry, if they charge you, they'll bluff and flee at the last moment." We met a coyote, it didn't bluff. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 851
You deserved it 179

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It tried to blow them up with ACME dynamite, but in its blundering, accidentally blew itself up, instead.


It tried to blow them up with ACME dynamite, but in its blundering, accidentally blew itself up, instead.

7and7is 20

It was really irresponsible for Acme to be selling those products to a coyote.

I know. What kind of Mickey Mouse organization sells explosives to a wild animal?

Kristoffer 35

That was an irresponsible statement. He should know that if the coyote is rabid it will attack.

They meant the dog-like animals, not the human traffickers. They don’t **** around!