By Anonymous - 28/08/2009 13:30 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor about my bruised runners toes. She was inexperienced when It came to athletic injuries, so she googled my condition. I just paid to have her tell me exactly what I had already just googled before I left for my appointment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 161
You deserved it 4 779

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cherlana32 0

That is unacceptable. Don't pay her.


So why did you go to the doctor if you already knew what the problem was? Besides doctor's can't know everything and in the past they've constantly gone to look things up in books or asking other doctors. Using google is becoming more common since it gives them more resources to use.

Because she's NOT a doctor and self-diagnosing isn't always the best choice. But then again I can go to the doctor as often as I want for whatever I want cause Germany also has a good healthcare system. Seriously though, I once had problems with my toe on my right foot and thought I'd just hit it or something...until my nail started coming off and some pure nasty flesh started growing out of the nailbed...after that I figured it'd be better to go see a doctor right away next time. even if it's just pain in my freaking toe.

djb23 0

You really do deserve it. Don't be a pussy, stand up for yourself. You're paying her for her professional experience and knowledge on something, if she clearly doesn't have any then you're not obliged to pay her anything.

That's not true. The doctor would have every right to sue her if she didn't pay. They charge you just to make an appointment (sort of like a plumber charging just to come and look at something). Any proper diagnosis is extra.

So you went to see a doctor to get told what you already knew you had? lolurdumb

screwtaylor 0

You're also dumb for repeating the same people have said already. lolurdumb!!

sublime93 0

For once, agreed with screwtaylor

GP are Jack of all trades but master of none. That's why there are specialists.

Time for a new doc. At the very least find a doc who will get consults or use a medical text. Rather than google... you're paying for her education, not her internet service.

MongoRules 0

If you think health care in the US is expense now, just wait until it's free!

This is the stupidest FML yet. This happens every day to TONS of people. Gotta go to a doc before you can get a prescription. Ugh, moderators? Helloooooo?