By Anonymous - 28/08/2009 13:30 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor about my bruised runners toes. She was inexperienced when It came to athletic injuries, so she googled my condition. I just paid to have her tell me exactly what I had already just googled before I left for my appointment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 161
You deserved it 4 779

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cherlana32 0

That is unacceptable. Don't pay her.



Don't pay her. You shouldn't have to. And if they make you, sue.

YDI for not getting the free healthcare of Canada

chicagofireallez 0

Paid for by the citizens does not equal 'free'. I'll let it slide since you're Canadian and it's a wonder you can use the internets!!

FuckUpXNote 0

Wow if she a doctor she shouldn't have to Google it may next time you trust yourself little more.

Wow she should have known better to use google, she should've used bing. Idiot!

bubblybrooke 12

who says canadians can't use the Internet?! we kick ass technologically; at least our doctors actually know something!

booger6256 5
Norther 1