By CC - 02/09/2012 06:27 - United States - Southfield

Today, I was icing an injured foot with a frozen water bottle as the doctor directed me. When I was done, I picked the bottle up and immediately dropped it on the same injured foot, which is now swollen and bruised. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 776
You deserved it 4 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the bright side, you have a frozen water bottle in your hand to treat your foot right away. You just saved yourself another visit to the doctor.

9inchesSoft 11

At least you didn't drop it on the other foot. I'd rather have one messed up foot than two.


9inchesSoft 11

At least you didn't drop it on the other foot. I'd rather have one messed up foot than two.

Plus it wouldn't have hurt as much because OP's foot should be partially numb from already being iced.

You should wrap up your foot to prevent this from happening.

Yeah, when I wrap my foot I usually get a gravitation force field that deflects objects around it too.

Thursday737 7

Am I the only one who saw "icing an injured foot" and thought OP was icing the foot with cake icing?

On the bright side, you have a frozen water bottle in your hand to treat your foot right away. You just saved yourself another visit to the doctor.

Unlucky dude. But people with a broken foot always gets extra attention, so you've simply made that cool time extra long.

There is nothing cool about having a broken foot

I think that's what #3 thought when he decided to beat his own face.

#13 I thought there was something up him in his pic...

Askzombie 14

At least this fml isn't about getting caught doing something intimate..... Hahah

I read the first 7 words and was like WTF!!?! And then I read the whole thing, everything makes more sense now!!

WOW! Thanks for the play by play of your comment reading process. No one gives a ****.

LiterOfCola 16

I still find it weird that the doctor said frozen water bottle.. Frozen water bottle? So specific

That's unlucky! Stay away from black cats and ladders for a while...

I don't know if the doctor specifically told you to use a bottle of water but if not I would definitely go for a frozen bag of peas or something more flexible to fit the shape of the afflicted area, fyl though thats just bad luck...

Frozen bottles are for feet because they fit the shape of the foot

I've broken and/or sprained a foot more than once and have used all the above methods. Frozen water bottles are great for some breaks/rehabs. As for the peas... reminds me of the old genetics joke: "Brother Mendel, we grow tired of peas."

A frozen water bottle? What quack told you to do that? You're supposed to use an ice cold BEER bottle. Take off the cap and apply the beer directly to your mouth. Doctor's orders.

That's what I said to the ortho, Doc! Sadly, he expained that if I mixed alcohol and serious pain meds, I could break a lot more than my foot.