By lisa321 - 02/04/2009 02:36 - United States

Today, I went to Starbucks to get coffee. The employees told me that there was no more coffee. I started cursing at them and told them that I am in a really big hurry, and that I need coffee every day. They had been yelling back the whole time. Little did I realize, they were saying April Fool's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 520
You deserved it 116 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You are an asshole. Why would you be so rude to the employees anyways?

If i'd of been working in the shop i'd of refused to serve you after being so rude.....or added a little something special when making the drink!! hehe!!


HahahaThatsFunny 0

You're so ******* stupid, think about it for a minute. STARBUCKS, like one of the BIGGEST coffee places around, all they do is sell coffe basically, and you believed that they ran out of coffee? First of all you would of seen people around you drinking it, and second of all, if that was the case, they'd have ALOT of complaints. So either this is fake, or you are REALLY REALLY stupid.

jennaleighhh 0

two reasons why you're an idiot: 1) is starbucks ever really going to run out of coffee? no? i didnt think so. 2) if they DID, then the employers have NOTHING to do with it. your ignorance and rudeness makes me sick.

man what a punk. can you seriously not live one day without coffee? mix it up a little so you wont be so dull and drink the same thing day after day. Man its people like you that makes me pissed off about ever working in customer service again.

Anger management issues much? OP must be an awful person to hang out with if he/she can't take a joke or stop to listen to explanations, and the customer from hell for service staff.

Ugh. There is almost never an excuse to curse at the cashier or any other employee, particularly of a minimum, or marginally above minimum wage job. I work at Starbucks, and I will admit it does happen all too often when my coworkers on the front register who are supposed to be brewing coffee in addition to cleaning the lobby and taking orders forget or don't have the time to get a new batch brewing before the "old" one "goes bad" 30 minutes after being brewed. That being said, when this is the case, we're always super apologetic, super accommodating, and there is no excuse to fly off the handle and actually curse at us, no matter how badly your caffeine-withdrawal headache may be pounding. We'll give it to you for free if you can wait the 4 minutes for it to brew. Otherwise, we'll give you an americano either for free or for the price of the less expensive coffee you wanted, largely depending on how big a jerk you are to us and thus how generous we'll feeling. Also, ta dah! You can get a coupon for a free drink next time, if we're able to track down our shift leader during the morning rush that's caused us to run out of brewed coffee in the first place. Almost every day of work at Starbucks is a depressing study in the state of our society. Manners, do you have them? Particularly when I'm being super friendly to your surly grumpy self?

even if they're not minimum wage ALL OF THAT ^^^^ UP THERE Seriously.

what the hell is wron with u? u ******* prick

syd23 0

You curse and yell at innocent employees because you can't have your precious coffee? Someone needs a time out, ya damn three year old.

I work at Starbucks and people like you are the bane of my existence.