By lisa321 - 02/04/2009 02:36 - United States

Today, I went to Starbucks to get coffee. The employees told me that there was no more coffee. I started cursing at them and told them that I am in a really big hurry, and that I need coffee every day. They had been yelling back the whole time. Little did I realize, they were saying April Fool's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 520
You deserved it 116 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You are an asshole. Why would you be so rude to the employees anyways?

If i'd of been working in the shop i'd of refused to serve you after being so rude.....or added a little something special when making the drink!! hehe!!


ohhhhshizzz 0

Dude, I hate you. Like honestly, you bitch about not having some high priced coffe that you could make at your own damn house for less the time and cheaper the price. Or go to a local Cafe? Dude you are a bitch to no end. I hope they band you from Starbucks, or gave you coffee with **** in it. So **** you, bitch.

How does starbucks run out of coffee. You shouldv realized at the first second that was an april fools joke

You started out your spiel with "today" except it's not even April. I call fake.

Is this the first FML you've ever read? All FMLs are required to start with "today."

Nesyaj0 0

The OP's date says 4/01, what the hell are you reading?

Dude, I work at starbucks. Like, Seriously? Your a Jerk. HARDXCORE. Do you have ANY effing clue how busy we get in the mornings before "work"? How much coffee we go through? Even though it was a joke, like, bud. Your an asshole. Also, I don't think they'd be playing a joke on you because we get in so much trouble or anything like that. Like, seriously, next time, were actually outta coffee. GO TO TIMS. If your going to be a b*tch, go somewhere else, we don't need your 2.19. Thanks.

CynicComedian 2

The world just revolves around you, huh? Those sons of bitches didn't anticipate your visit to their store...sorry, YOUR store. You're a self-centered POS; get over yourself.

dumbass, no need to be a little bitch over some coffee. and how could you fall for that?