
By Anonymous - 12/11/2010 12:07 - Sweden

Today, I was late for work and got chewed out by my boss. To console myself I decided to drink a cup of coffee and a cup of tea. My work provides this for free. When I did, my boss told me that in fact it wasn't, nor has it ever been, free; all this time I've been stealing other people's coffee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 881
You deserved it 32 668

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Coffee AND tea?!?! Quit screwing around and just go get some crystal meth!

gusgus36 5

oops! that sucks... you would think it would have been more obvious if it wasn't free. or maybe it is free and your boss is just coming up with more ways to wreck your day.. :(


wow. and to think that people as clueless as dilberts pointyhaired boss really do exist!!

Ali_Br_fml 33

he may be clueless, but I guess the ppl who left their coffee & tea were too. They didn't write their names on it, and didn't seem to have a problem with it (it wasn't reported, or written down on the tea/coffee "hey stop stealing my stuff) ... unless the victims decided to pit something into the coffee to make op sick or just for sweet/bitter revenge. who knows, maybe next time op will be saying, "I stole coffee, and now have explosive diarrhea..."

Ali_Br_fml 33

Aww crud I mean put, & it's in reference to him taking coffee that was brought in by others a d drinking it without wondering how it ever got there... though at my job, those things are provided free of charge...

Thanks, but I was talking about comment 1. Who is Dilbert and his pointy haired boss?

at practically any job they are provided free, I've never worked somewhere where they werent

Wirebiter 0

Dilbert is a comic/cartoon character.

hatepineapple 14

who doesn't know who dilbert is

guckylynn 19

Google... it's not that hard.

how the **** do u not know ur stealing someones coffee!?

no, no, but I do go to college and steal the teachers coffee there

I get free coffee at my work. I was also late today :)

Epilepsy_fml 0

Haha. I don't blame you, We all make mistakes. shoulda drinken some alcohol instead.

"shoulda drinken"?? Really? Surely you were having a seizure when you wrote this.

Epilepsy_fml 0

Haha. In english class actually. Hahahahahahaha. You're correct though. That was pretty bad.

Doc, you're amazing. Just wanted to say that :)

6sicky- thanks. Just trying to make the FMLosphere a more enjoyable place to kill time. Epilepsy- you wrote that in English class? The irony is overwhelming. Do me a favor and show that comment to your teacher. Tell me what s/he thinks. :)

I hate people that correct peoples grammar over the Internet all the time. go **** yourself no one cares.

Obviously a nice number of people do care if they take time to correct it. People like you are going to cause America to become sub-literate. P.s: The g in go should be upper case.

SeedlessMe 13

Hahaha nice one killa.. Absolutely agree :)

MissErikaHart 0

any1 seen the movie idiocracy..? u smart ppl r out #rd!! hahahahaha

YDI for assuming it was free. It doesn't hurt to ask.

Bees_fml 0

I've *never* worked somewhere that didn't provide free coffee.

littlemissdqgirl 8

It seems like it would be obvious somehow. I mean, free coffee and tea would be a communal urn or something, right? Is there just a pot there you can use if you bring in your own beans/leaves? Who would leave their stuff in the common area then? BTW, why would you tell your boss, OP? "I felt bad after you yelled at me so I had to have coffee and tea to relax. Waah." Grow up.

caester9 0

Wow sir maybe go to Tim Hortons next time if you want coffee. They have a delicious variety of things to eat as well!!

UnicornsDoExist 0

Should be **** their lives, they've probably been wondering where their damn drinks are going.

KennKenn 0

Today, I got a cup of coffee at work. I went to use the bathroom first but my cup was gone. This isn't the first time this happened

perdix 29

Coffee AND tea?!?! Quit screwing around and just go get some crystal meth!

but when things are going REALLY bad, he hits the hot chocolate, and he hits it hard. When you see the marshmellows come out, it's time to worry.......

I imagine snorting hot chocolate to be quite painful.

UnicornsDoExist 0

I'm sure OP would've enjoyed that.

sourgirl101 28

It's better to give than receive. .......yeah right!

gusgus36 5

oops! that sucks... you would think it would have been more obvious if it wasn't free. or maybe it is free and your boss is just coming up with more ways to wreck your day.. :(

MaximilianMarche 0
Igor_g5 0

Well if there isn't a sign saying it's free that should be obvious enough.

19 - She might be, but that also means you probably are, too. Otherwise you probably wouldn't notice who's online the most etc.