By lisa321 - 02/04/2009 02:36 - United States

Today, I went to Starbucks to get coffee. The employees told me that there was no more coffee. I started cursing at them and told them that I am in a really big hurry, and that I need coffee every day. They had been yelling back the whole time. Little did I realize, they were saying April Fool's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 519
You deserved it 116 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You are an asshole. Why would you be so rude to the employees anyways?

If i'd of been working in the shop i'd of refused to serve you after being so rude.....or added a little something special when making the drink!! hehe!!


BulldogQB4 0

Wow I work at Starbucks, we hate assholes like you. Aight? If we don't have coffee cause our CEO makes us make coffee every half hour on top of everything we have to do you'd realize it ain't easy. We give you a free Americano and a free drink receipt. So honestly dude, leave earlier or skip coffee. We don't need pricks like you ruining our jobs.

#148 thanks, finally someone who knows what I'm talking about!

sweetiepie8701 0

I agree......ur an ass....y would u yell and get all rude to begin with.....

You are the reason food-service employees hate their lives. Asshole.

DeeJayD 0

The YDI are the reason I have, once again, lost faith in humanity. April Fools gags are rarely actually funny, and anyone who does stupid shit as described above, especially to a customer, deserves to get bitched at. Your job is to sell coffee. Not to make lame attempts at being 'funny'.

no, its a company joke (I swear they really do this EVERY YEAR). and no matter what someone does to you, screaming at them isn't acceptable. you're the one that makes me loose faith in humanity. For thinking that its fine to treat another person like dirt because of an admittedly dumb joke.

You can give up caffeine. I did and it turned out to be a good idea. I suggest you do too.

dudemitch 0

prick. even if they were out of coffee, it clearly isnt the employees fault. those of us in retail/food service dont get paid nearly enough to listen to people like you bitch at shit out of our control gtfo and get a ******* coffee maker while your at it

TheNameless_fml 0

Did they then offer you some cheese with that whine you big baby? I hope they refused to serve you anyways. If a grown person came into my store as a customer and acted that way I'd refuse to serve you and ask you to leave. Even if they were out of coffee, it's not the employees' faults.

Even if it wasn't an April Fool's Day prank that would be uncalled for. You pull that shit with me and I'll never make your drink. Hell, I'd probably call the cops and get you thrown in jail for disturbing the peace. Sometimes, things run out. If the rush is crazy then sometimes we manage to run out of both kinds of coffee. Either wait five minutes or take the Americano. If you freak out like that then your blood pressure is probably too high and you should stop drinking caffeine. Jackass.

Truce25 0

lol. well hey don't freak out over coffee haha