By lisa321 - 02/04/2009 02:36 - United States

Today, I went to Starbucks to get coffee. The employees told me that there was no more coffee. I started cursing at them and told them that I am in a really big hurry, and that I need coffee every day. They had been yelling back the whole time. Little did I realize, they were saying April Fool's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 520
You deserved it 116 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You are an asshole. Why would you be so rude to the employees anyways?

If i'd of been working in the shop i'd of refused to serve you after being so rude.....or added a little something special when making the drink!! hehe!!


F You dont start cursing people out for something like a lack of product. You could complain about it to Starbucks HQ but you don't start cursing ppl out, especially since they can't control the amount of product they get (HQ controls that too)

amak1228 3

Haha you seriously fell for that?! Starbucks Coffee ran out of coffee... Haha wow the word gullible must be tattooed across your forehead.

doglover100 28

When would Starbucks run out of coffee...... never. It's Starbucks. Also yelling never solved anything. You wouldn't magically get coffee by yelling.

helpfulperson 9

As a starbucks barista, I can proudly say **** YOU for thinking you ever have the right to treat another person that way

YOU DESERVE IT, for being a jerk! What if they really were out? How is it their fault?

This is NEVER acceptable. you OBVIOUSLY weren't in that much of a hurry. Can you take some time to be a decent human to everyone else next time?

did u at LEAST get a free coffee for this?