By Coffee - 06/08/2018 16:30

Today, I went to Starbucks to get my free birthday coffee and due to a mistake I received two. Thinking it was my lucky day, I hurried off to work. As I was walking in, I tripped and spilt one coffee all over my new dress. Then I walked into a door and spilt the other. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 881
You deserved it 1 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like karma decided not to wait until your next life to screw you over for stealing someone else’s coffee. Happy birthday, ya crook.

Zekfen 17

I don’t know what is worse, that you think getting peed on by somebody is better, or that others agree with you.


Looks like karma decided not to wait until your next life to screw you over for stealing someone else’s coffee. Happy birthday, ya crook.

Except they probably made two for OP by mistake and knowingly let her take both.

That's possible, but it's funnier otherwise.

Emma Marshall 19

Yeah they're totally a crook when the barista is the one at fault. Ya weirdo.

Well a coffee shower is better than a golden shower for your birthday but Happy Birthday anyway 😋

Zekfen 17

I don’t know what is worse, that you think getting peed on by somebody is better, or that others agree with you.

weaboo 12

That’s not what it means... ask google what it means if you wanna know more

blightsight 10

How do you walk into a door?

John Lennon singing: Birthday karmas gonna get you. Door gonna spill coffee in your face. When you walk into work, gonna spill all over the place.

OP, this WAS your (very) lucky day! (Just simply the wrong form of luck: bad) :-(

tounces7 27

Clearly you should have drank some of the coffee before going anywhere so you'd be awake first.