By failure - 29/07/2011 06:19 - United States

Today, I went to a jeweler's to buy a ring to propose to my girlfriend. When I was at the restaurant, in mid-proposal, with people watching, I realized I had left the ring in the store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 886
You deserved it 15 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

Quickly buy a ring pop to give her temporarily.


horrorfreak79nj 2

Have Charlie Brown, John Arbuckle & David Seville as your groomsmen at the wedding. Once you get passed the fact that they are cartoons, it's easy to see how you'd all compliment each other so well. And afterwards, people can console the bride for marrying such a godamn loser.

Some people really should not leave comments.

I agree with another poster - play it up a bit. Show her there's nothing in the box and get her to go to the same store you bought the ring in. Get her to pick one out (or get the salesman to play up the one you already bought so she takes it) and you're set.

I know that if I was about to propose, I would be checking my pocket ALL night to make sure I still had the ring. Yet you didn't check ONCE?

Kate1453 6

Just say shit i forgot the ring and play it from there she will understand!

Dumba$$ - you sound like the kind of guy who goes to fill out a job application and then asks if you can borrow a pen. The Boy Scout motto - BE PREPARED!

perdix 29

You actually have to PAY for jewelry to be allowed to take it out of the store -- unless you are Lindsay Lohan, of course.

Splendid. I hate it when people propose to their partner in a public place: there is no privacy, no intimacy and especially a huge public pressure on the person who has to take a life-changing decision. If you want to give your partner the freedom of choice, please, propose at home or in a park, wherever you have some privacy. The only exception I make, is when the partner has made clear that he/she wants to marry. So, OP, I give you the benefit of the doubt and a YDI, only for forgetting the ring (oh, I hope you let her choose the ring in advance) at the shop. You sounds like the guy who forget his cash in the ATM-machine.

kaykay20 0

The fact most restaurants stick you in the corner if your proposing doesn't sound very romantic. The park with all the flowers blooming with little people around does sound nice though. Only thing he really did wrong though is forget to even buy the ring. He clearly was not focused when he went to get it.

afallingstar 22

at least you made the effort for a worthwhile proposal...all I got from my soon to be ex is "how would you feel if I told you I didn't want to be boyfriend and girlfriend anymore?" ask her to marry her and explain that you were so nervous you forgot the ring...if she loves you she will understand and maybe you can pick something together

afallingstar 22

that is ask her to marry YOU...I realized my typo after it posted