By failure - 29/07/2011 06:19 - United States

Today, I went to a jeweler's to buy a ring to propose to my girlfriend. When I was at the restaurant, in mid-proposal, with people watching, I realized I had left the ring in the store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 886
You deserved it 15 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

Quickly buy a ring pop to give her temporarily.


how do you forget a purchase like that?

nikki0627 5
krissydreams 0

how do u forget it at the store lol

I mean if you were planning to propose to her... why didn't you check if the ring was in your pocket BEFORE you went out with her? I know I'd check my pockets a million times! -__-

That's why some food comes in ring formation for times like these!

pretend like your trying your shoe(; just kidding donnttt do that, just tell her whht's the thought that counts!

123jade456 0