New life, new kink

By Anonymous - 01/04/2024 00:00 - Denmark

Today, I found out my mom was a swinger when I opened a closet and saw a water bottle saying something with "Swinger Club" on it, with three bags beside it with all kinds of shit in it. She's also doing pole dancing "as a sport" and wanted to have one installed in our living room. My parents divorced just a couple of months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 400
You deserved it 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

your dad probably swung with her. that's their business.

Your mother’s life is her business.


Your mother’s life is her business.

your dad probably swung with her. that's their business.

Seriously? Your mom is a grown adult. What do you want her to do? Sit in a dark room and rock back and forth? Your parent's lives are their business. Live and let live.