By SophieGray - 20/05/2011 23:33 - United States

Today, I went over to a guy's house for dinner. He ended up getting really drunk and started crying, telling me that I reminded him of his dead ferret. Distraught, he tearfully showed me her ashes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 887
You deserved it 5 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just think about it! :D Maybe one day, he'll love you as much as the ferret! Then he can show YOUR ashes to others!

it looked like pudding... WTF do you think ashes look like?


ahh irrelevant comment how i've longed for thy return

lovelylittleme 0

"Today, this chick I'm in to came over, she was so annoying, that I pretended to get trashed and show her my dead ferret... By the looks she gave me, I should have to deal with her again! " :D

mama2b3 20

Maybe his ferret was beautiful, sweet and fun?

SpeshulK 0

What were you doing that reminded him of a ferret?

jake040 3

wow. guy sounds like am ash-hole

jake040 3

wow. guy sounds like am ash-hole

pinklady72191 4

did your dad then start poking her with a fork to make sure she wasn't a blow up doll?

pinklady72191 4

"did his dad then start poking you with a fork to make sure you weren't a blow up doll"...sorry. got confused.

Taciturnbadger 0