By SophieGray - 20/05/2011 23:33 - United States

Today, I went over to a guy's house for dinner. He ended up getting really drunk and started crying, telling me that I reminded him of his dead ferret. Distraught, he tearfully showed me her ashes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 887
You deserved it 5 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just think about it! :D Maybe one day, he'll love you as much as the ferret! Then he can show YOUR ashes to others!

it looked like pudding... WTF do you think ashes look like?


jenaandtyler4eva 0

that's when you slap him and walk away

foilindo 0
dookiedoo 0

What the hell sophie!!!! why would you put that story on here? i'm never inviting you for dinner again.

hahahahahaha I'm sorry but that was really funny. well I bet you don't really look like dead ferret none the less ashes lol

zuzupetalsYO 11 seriously

anakaren_831 1

what a sentimental dude, that's a keeper.

EgBeastTx 0

ahaha thats hilarious.. that guys has some issues an how did u remind him of a ferret.. weirdoo

ahh irrelevant comments how i've longed for thy return