By SophieGray - 20/05/2011 23:33 - United States

Today, I went over to a guy's house for dinner. He ended up getting really drunk and started crying, telling me that I reminded him of his dead ferret. Distraught, he tearfully showed me her ashes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 887
You deserved it 5 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just think about it! :D Maybe one day, he'll love you as much as the ferret! Then he can show YOUR ashes to others!

it looked like pudding... WTF do you think ashes look like?


Wo-ow, what a night to remember. I guess that kinda hurts your image just a tad, for him saying you look like a ferret lol.

simply_improper 1

he never said she looked like the ferret. maybe she was jus furry

KVKdragon 26

this is honestly the first time I've ever heard of anyone cremating their pets

I'm guessing you started snorting said ashes on front of him, just to lighten the mood, didn't you?

If you remind him of a ferret you need to shave more often.

Kingspin 0

It's okay... These are hard times for everyone, especially ferret owners.

Carlo3 0
misstamz 0

So you somewhat resemble a ferret?

Poor ferret... My bf reminds me of a bunny, so maybe it's not all bad, OP. Some people just constantly compare others to animals. *cough*