By catastrophy - 19/11/2016 09:20

Today, a guy I've been seeing called me really drunk again to talk about his and his cat's angst. He put me on speaker so I could have a meowing-conversation with his cat to soothe her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 844
You deserved it 1 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is actually hilarious, but all in all it's your choice to go along with it..

Wow, you're an up and coming cat whisperer!


This is actually hilarious, but all in all it's your choice to go along with it..

I just want to fill in the position for the second response and get thumbs ups. I did it for the likes. Sorry OP. FYL indeed. Dudes and his pussy.. FHL

Despite the fact that you were honest, saying "I did it for the thumbs up" or "I wanted to fill the second position" will guarantee you downvotes, try harder next time. You actually might say something funny for the first time in your life.

Wow, you're an up and coming cat whisperer!

Rawrshi 25

Well cats are great things who hold great independence so you soothing it makes the relationship grow. Great job OP

While this is kind of hilarious, I'd say the fact that this isn't the first time it's happened is a bit disturbing. haha If someone kept calling me while they were drunk and asking me to do something weird like that on a regular basis, I'd probably stop talking to them until they addressed their drunken behavior.

Bonngoo 34

Even for being drunk, that's pretty damn weird... I would distance myself a little if I were you OP

You and the cat need to stage an intervention to get the guy to AA

He called you drunk - so were you really drunk or did you just have a light buzz going?

No, the guy was drunk and called OP. It isn't that hard for someone to understand. Except you, I guess.