By SophieGray - 20/05/2011 23:33 - United States

Today, I went over to a guy's house for dinner. He ended up getting really drunk and started crying, telling me that I reminded him of his dead ferret. Distraught, he tearfully showed me her ashes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 887
You deserved it 5 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just think about it! :D Maybe one day, he'll love you as much as the ferret! Then he can show YOUR ashes to others!

it looked like pudding... WTF do you think ashes look like?


harbqll 0

If you bathed more often, you wouldn't smell like a ferret. YDI

i was ringing up a middle aged man at work. he told me "You look like someone i know... His name's Donny." I'm a girl.

I have ferrets! I love them and the ones that have passed are right beside me in their little urns! My most prized possessions!

BAMF519 0

well... did u guys end up getting it on

Lol, way to pick a winner. At least he's sensitive. AmIriteeee?!?

Quit bitching. You're not the one who lost a beloved pet!

Put your hands down his pants and thrash them around a bit. That will remind him of all the happy times he had with his ferret.

ObeyTheSnarf 0

He probably means you have a similar personality. Like, maybe you're spunky or affectionate, or enjoy chewing on shoes? ;) Lol but seriously, owning ferrets myself, I hold them in high regard and though I would probably never tell someone they reminded me of one of them, it would totally be a compliment if I did. My (deceased) ferret Izumi was a sweet little thing, and she was shy and a bit nervous, but she was very pretty and had a heart of gold. I'd say for now take it as a compliment and perhaps never mention it again if he doesn't remember he said it, lol...