By Urinator - 16/09/2015 18:26 - United Kingdom - Inchture

Today, I invited a girl back to my house and she seemed cool. I then left to go to the toilet. When I came back, there was a giant wet patch on the rug. The girl then blamed it on my dog, whose picture is on the wall. My dog died last week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 742
You deserved it 1 912

Same thing different taste

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It used to be "My dog ate my homework" not "Your dog peed on the floor" What has our world come to

I don't even know what to say... I guess new requirement in a partner is if they're potty trained?


It used to be "My dog ate my homework" not "Your dog peed on the floor" What has our world come to

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margehh 10

Well the title is "urinator" so I'm guessing she peed on his floor

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leogachi 15

@6 It was his carpet, not his bed.

Maybe if you actuallt read the FML you would see that he said it was Rug she pissed on, not the bed.

LiteralxShit 15

I don't even know what to say... I guess new requirement in a partner is if they're potty trained?

FalloutScrolls 25

I'd just be like "Get out, or I will throw you out." What the flying ****!?

Put her on a leash & call her your new dog

This comment excites me on so many levels...

Seeing this comment had my mind rewording it to "Put her on a leash & collar your new dog."