By anonya - 28/08/2012 04:43 - United States - Madera

Today, I made the mistake of telling my dentist that my dog died. She spent the next half-hour talking about her pets and how they died. I ended up crying in her dentist's chair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 905
You deserved it 3 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

carminecris89 13

Sorry about your dog and that you had to hear about the deaths of other animals. I always get so upset when animals die. I would have cried too.

if your an animal lover dont feel embarassed about crying over the loss of your pet, id do the same thing no matter where i am.


PlastikSeraph 2

I like the first part of that phrase more

I believe the second part of the phrase sounds quite amusing.

And while we are studying the context of your sentence, shall I add in that you're missing a period at the end.

The sarcasm was not very obvious I guess...

Shouldn't dentists be cleaning your teeth instead of telling you their life story?

^ That's kinda the point of the FML story...

carminecris89 13

Sorry about your dog and that you had to hear about the deaths of other animals. I always get so upset when animals die. I would have cried too.

if your an animal lover dont feel embarassed about crying over the loss of your pet, id do the same thing no matter where i am.

I think op walked right into that.. I don' know about the rest of the world but in America if you say something about your animal dying, then someone else will say something about theirs ._.

crying usually helps someone grieve, however if you're in a dentist chair, it probably doesn't..

There's nothing more comforting when you're down than somebody fiddling your nerve endings with a drill...

bigboughner 0

People cry about animals dying more than humans, why? O.o

People are douchbags animals love you no matter what

curlyfry33 8

7- Um, I'm pretty sure that's not true.

Mademoiselle_fml 34

Because dogs aren't backstabbing assholes that use you for whatever reason. They love you no matter what, and thus are preferable to human scum. A stray dog would treat you better than almost any human on earth, just treat him/her right. Unconditional love, for scraps, not favors or money or whatever a person would want. Ugh okay sorry I'm rambling but dogs and cats are the best!

Depends who the human is, or How Close you are With the animal!!!

Well put 17! Couldn't of said it better myself!

You don't know how OP (or the dentist) would have reacted to the death of a human. I don't see it mentioned anywhere. That being said, I'll cry if I see any animal hurt or dead but when it comes to people, the pain is so much I shut it out and become numb. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm not alone.

I ask myself the same question. Everyone says dogs are more loving, when in real sense, that can be a questionable statement. Many humans have died from dog attacks, including stray dogs, so stray dogs arent any safer. Dogs are animals, unpredictable. They can never be completely tamed and i think its absurd that people on FML would actually love a beast over a fellow human being. This actually makes me loose faith in the world.

FirebirdF350 7

This is not an FML, Welcone to humanity, you cry over things you care about.

Your dog Is probably chewing that big 'ol bacon-flavored bone in the sky. I mean, with this bacon-loving FML community, I bet someone out there is drooling just at the thought of something being bacon flavored. No tears, he's in a better place.

I truly believe you're reunited with your pets when you die.

Looks like I will be seeing my 10 dead beta fish from my childhood years again, my iguana, my parakeet, and my goldfish... Wow I was irresponsible as a child...

You mean your 10 magikarps, your treecko, your farfetch'd, and your goldeen? I can understand how you lost so many magikarps, "Magikarp use Splash!" x10

I tried to name some of my pets after Pokemon, but my mom didn't let me ;(

I think this comment would/has cheered OP up the most.

14- If that's true, I hope I don't see the blue Betta fish I had. He was the most self absorbed **** I've ever met.

Dental Therapy, the wave of the future. "Torture your mind and mouth at once!"

Well, look on the bright side, if your experiences in a dentist's chair are even half as painful as the majority of people's, you probably would of ended up crying anyway.