By crapcrapcrap - 14/03/2010 07:00 - United States

Today, I went on my first date with a guy I really like. He completely ignored me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 147
You deserved it 4 774

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Anonnamus 0

Today, some strange girl sat at my table during lunch break. She wouldn't stop staring at me, and kept asking me about my hopes and dreams. I tried to avoid eye contact and ate my lunch so fast, I had bad gas for the rest of the day. FML

plainDainty 0

then make sure there isn't a second date. end of story.


ilovewhoppers 0

kk like what does it have to do with ppl posting stuff on fml..... now these are the questions tht keep me up at night but seriously it took me like an hour for someone to tell me what op stood for so now I want to know what original poster means?

lol he is just using the oldest trick in the book, every one knows girls wannabe be liked so if he pretends he doesnt, u try Even harder to make him like u! this is the easiest and most effective way to make girls intrested, atleast with hot girls that are used to getting attension, because when they dont Get it they wonder why and it drives them crazy!

the person the originally posted the fml..

spanishwolf 0

should have slapped him in the face

kingace 0

he probably ignored you because you didn't show any boob, ydi.

OP proly refused to pay for his $6 salad

livluvlaff8 0

@60 how does she not deserve it for not showing any boob? maybe she's not a ****! OP FYL the guy should of called and canceled first :(

sublime93 0

wow this fml is boring as shit

why don't you **** him... he'll start noticing you then

at sublimaze, good reference to a former FML :)

Blue_Coconuts 7

He probably ignored you because A- He's not into you and his buddies talked him into the date B- You're just not attractive C- You were boring and thus he lost his interest D- He's gay.

I would think he was just being kind, a pitty date?

omgwtffmmfl 0

This site needs a IDC button

this is the second time i've seen sublimaze get #69... that takes skill man

Are u sure HE knew u guys were on a date?....

^ This. If he wasn't AT ALL interested he probably wouldn't have gone out with you in the first place.

Your right, but you just don't ignore a girl on a date. If the guy is going on a date with the chick, then she knows he's interested. When dating or trying to attract females you have to be a challenge, unpredictable, etc. Shut your mouth, keep it light and funny, and let the girl do most of the talking. Everywhere I go females of all ages are attracted to me, with me giving them no attention it boosts their interest level in me. Because of this I have a huge flock of females in my school pursuing me. I'm only a sophomore in highschool too.

if he ignored you, how did u get a date with him in the first place

tease 0

@137 same here's I'm sophmore and I attract all those girls but, I say hi and kinda shrug em off caz I get too nervous :D

gregsdaman 0

@57 is sooooo fine!!! damn! itt

@ 106 ...yay multiple choice I'll go with "E: All of the above" and #125 for extra credit

gigi_bella 0

Why did you "really like him" in the first place?

i ignore all the girls i date unless they are naked. im like the bachelor jake.

plainDainty 0

then make sure there isn't a second date. end of story.

YDI for dating him in the first place.

Yosh! I'm not the only anime freak here :D. @op: better luck next time :)

livluvlaff8 0

I don't get why she deserved it!

hey, I read manga and stare at countless episodes of action animes everyday :] it makes me happy, but some ppls find it unattractive and I'm a girl...

"some" - Well we can't all agree on one thing ey? anime to me ish art~!

Why are people trying so hard to find a reason to hit the ydi button

this fml is boooring. at least be' ironic about it or say something to' make us smile. things like these happen all the time

dudeitsdanny 9

.... Was it a movie date? If it was.. YTDI.

I was thinking that too. Movies, sporting event, or something else requiring attention. All are bad first date ideas and all will get a YDI for demanding his attention at the wrong time. If it was a quiet dinner for two and he managed to ignore you, Y still kinda DI for tolerating it.

it was a scuba diving date he didnt say a word the WHOLE TIME they were under water

Well ydi for going on a date with a two year old

Expertfail 0

YDI for being boring and plain.

Anonnamus 0

Today, some strange girl sat at my table during lunch break. She wouldn't stop staring at me, and kept asking me about my hopes and dreams. I tried to avoid eye contact and ate my lunch so fast, I had bad gas for the rest of the day. FML