Online life

By Anonymous - 24/01/2020 18:00

Today, I found out that the girl I've been dating online for over three months is actually a very bored 14-year-old boy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 437
You deserved it 2 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's still better than dating a 14-year-old boy online and finding out he's an FBI agent.

Originally posted by Iman on 4/5/2009 from the United States.


Originally posted by Iman on 4/5/2009 from the United States.

It's still better than dating a 14-year-old boy online and finding out he's an FBI agent.

It's better than finding out that "she's" a 55-yo gay male....

arguable. Being caught doing that with a minor even if it's a catfish might have you wishing he was 55

So, did you dump him or switch it up and become a gay pedophile? We gotta know!

Didn't we already establish in the late nineties that there are no women on the internet?

I still don't get how you can be "dating " anyone you have never met. ydi

WistayShlaio82 13

That’s like some “Crying game” meets “Lord of the flies” type stuff

manb91gb 15

Okay I know this one is a repost. mods.... Please stop

That’s not dating if you have never met the person