By msizziec - 14/12/2015 23:09 - United Kingdom - Tiverton
msizziec tells us more.
Hello, OP here! I work in a mental health and learning disability care home, so when I say resident I mean in the sense they live there. He's normally absolutely lovely, very quiet and calm, however something clearly snapped that day. I'll never know whether it was on purpose or not unfortunately! It was only a small torch (flashlight) but it was dropped about 10 ft directly onto my temple which was incredible aim if nothing else. It's not a locked unit so he's allowed stuff like that, however I did "misplace" it after the incident. A trip to the hospital emergency department after my shift proved there's no long lasting damage other than a mild concussion. After that though I've kept my distance from him... just in case!
Top comments
The only consolation is that the torch was not American.
For those wondering, an American torch is a flaming stick, elsewhere a torch is a flashlight
So what do folks in the UK call a fuel-covered flaming stick?
Dave, they call it Dave.
#27 Confusingly, we call that a torch too.
We call it a torch, we call both of them that because they both give of light
oki you guys are confusing, lets go danish.. torch = fakkel. flashlight = lommelygte :)
Perhaps said stick is called a "flashlight?"
Per #27's question, I mean....
I didn't know schizophrenics liked doing physics experiments
Did you go a little Light headed?
I normally hate crappy puns but this one works. Heh. Good job.
It certainly didn't enlighten the mood.
wow that was a bright pun.
No more counting money, we'll be counting stars!
Before you ask, a "torch" is a flashlight in the UK. You're welcome.
One reason I'm glad to watch Doctor Who. Only reason I knew that already
Heh I thought of one of those portable propane blowtorch type thingys.
THAT would hurt
I learned reading a book when I was 10. Thought the British were primitive as hell until the characters explained it.
How would people NOT figure this out?
By NOT googling "UK torch synonyms" perhaps?
I didn't know you worked with Galileo.
Why do you have a resident schizophrenic? Why is he allowed to just drop things on people?
OP could be working at a psych ward, a mental hospital or something like that.
#9 ummm mental illness has nothing to do with it. of course they deserve to have their "rights to act stupid" "infringed" upon if said rights are putting people in danger! Today concussion, tomorrow head cracked open.
Most likely OP works in a residential treatment facility or group home. Having worked at both, I can assure you and stuff like this happens a lot. I have been hit, kicked, pushed, berated, spit on, and I'm sure stuff I have blocked out. It is the nature of the job.
Tell me about it, but don't forget being hit on!
@#80: hahahahahah, it's a little different when you work with emotionally disturbed kids... The it isn't so much fun. Or the guy who tired to pull me into the shower I was helping with... Good thing I don't melt!
The fault in your stars lol
Press charges. If he is that unstable he shouldnt be there putting people in danger. And your job is totally responsible.
Since OP said "resident schizophrenic" we can assume OP works in a psych ward, which means the one who dropped it on them kinda does need to be there.
Correct, #26, but he probably shouldn't have access to heavy objects to drop over the banister if he's that sick.
Never heard of a psych ward that gives patients things they can hurt each other with. Also seems weird there was a bannister he could drop something over because that would be a risk of patients jumping or falling.
Yeah, when my GF was in the hospital they were totally restricted... the roof garden they smoked in had 10ft walls to prevent jumping, I can't imagine a psych ward worth their credentials would allow an unsupervised patient into the stairwell. Dollars to donuts the doors need to be unlocked with a pass card/security code.

Before you ask, a "torch" is a flashlight in the UK. You're welcome.
Did you go a little Light headed?