By Santa - 12/12/2011 21:45 - Canada

Today, I was working at the mall as Santa, when a little girl took a shit in my lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 052
You deserved it 4 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

and of course 5 out of 6 of the first comments have something to do with the word shit.


I use to work as santa clause at the mall Till a little girl took a shit on my knee

Anytime you work with small children, there's bound to be a poop situation. Ask any daycare worker.

argybargy 3

I hope you told her to expect a lump of coal in her stocking this year ...

I would pull a cop out I **** a kid up if they shit in my lap

What a cool Santa! Sayin shit and shit...:)

She was like "I'm so happy I could shit my pants!.." ..."dammit!" ..

i thought u were supposed to give her the present.

JaidaHelena 0

Guess Santa was the one to receive this year :)