By sufia - 29/09/2016 11:14 - Pakistan

Today, I was traveling. At airport security, the woman patting me down felt something "down there" and asked me what I was wearing. I told her it was a sanitary napkin. She put her hands inside my pants just to be sure. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 346
You deserved it 1 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what was she expecting, an AK47 in your ******?

It's probably more of an FML for her since she had to touch your menstrual blood as part of her job.


She could atleast liked her fingers first ya know?

blackrose1996 11

I think you should complain that is highly inappropriate especially if she did it in public if I'm right it falls under harassment

I feel like she should be posting this. After all, she was the one who touched someone else's menstrual blood

buttcramp 21

This can't be okay. I would talk to some supervisors or whatever equivalent

If she did not get your permission you can charge her with battery. TSA isn't law enforcement and don't have the same "powers."

da_epic_failman 7

Thanks for nothing, TSA. You can't stop terrorists, and all you're doing is violating people.

JohnForge 13

That my good friend, is sexual harassment. Shame they don't do it to Muslims wearing a full garb though.

devans00 14

I'm icked out wondering how many other women the agent reached down the pants of before she got to you. I bet there's no sink with soap and towels nearby. Yet another reason to avoid air travel.