By sufia - 29/09/2016 11:14 - Pakistan

Today, I was traveling. At airport security, the woman patting me down felt something "down there" and asked me what I was wearing. I told her it was a sanitary napkin. She put her hands inside my pants just to be sure. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 346
You deserved it 1 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what was she expecting, an AK47 in your ******?

It's probably more of an FML for her since she had to touch your menstrual blood as part of her job.


Okay, you can actually sue the airport for that bullshit. That's harassment at its finest. Df?

First, no you really can't, they have the right to check you and to strip search you if you want to fly. It would only be an assault if they repeatedly stroked her or penetrated her beyond an exam of the cavity. It would only be harassment if they made sexual comments, gestures or other advances or demanded a sexual act. This in invasive but not sexual or an assault. Secondly, no you can't because this is from Pakistan and the same rules do not apply. Their rules allow for many such invasions of privacy/modesty without recourse. This is not the States and not the TSA.

qteabutt 12

As much as that sucks for you, I feel pretty bad about the security lady since its part of the job. You would be amazed on what you can hide up a ******. So really you should thank the lovely women who found those neat party tricks.

ItsTheCheeesiest 5

This is why the TSA should be abolished, they are rapists

Yes the TSA agents who's job it is to take necessary precautions for safe travel must be banned because of your misconstrued definition of rape.

#35 Go look up the definition of rape in the dictionary before you try to make a point.

I hope she got blood on her, how mortifying.

ezrajab 22

You know there ARE devices you can have planted in you for just that kind of situation

As much as it may suck, airport security really has no room to take chances with these things since terrorists are coming up with all sorts of ways to try and smuggle explosives onto planes. If they have to strip search or pat down somebody thoroughly to make sure that there aren't any explosives on the person, then they have to do it. It does suck when you think about it, but when you listen to what's going on in this day in age, it leaves them with no choice but to conduct these kind of searches.

dubby21 19

Khali Pakistan mein asa hota hai. But still dil dil Pakistan

hell no! i wouldn't have let anyone put their hands down my pants!!!

Currently there is a skirmish happening between India and Pakistan, the heightened security measures seem reasonable enough, though a bit perverted.