By sufia - 29/09/2016 11:14 - Pakistan

Today, I was traveling. At airport security, the woman patting me down felt something "down there" and asked me what I was wearing. I told her it was a sanitary napkin. She put her hands inside my pants just to be sure. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 346
You deserved it 1 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what was she expecting, an AK47 in your ******?

It's probably more of an FML for her since she had to touch your menstrual blood as part of her job.


I guess it wasn't sanitary anymore after that.

It's probably more of an FML for her since she had to touch your menstrual blood as part of her job.

I'm guessing the security person didn't shove her hand that deep. Probably just an edge touch

Feeling for the pad doesn't mean she stuck her hand down the OPs panties as well as her pants. She could have felt the outside of the underwear.

Ah, but is op using American or British English when using the word "pants"?

Nope I'd say having someone put their hands down your pants is worse.

SexyMexi21 23

The perks of being a woman... (Sigh)

what was she expecting, an AK47 in your ******?

Somebody was arrested for having a revolver in their ******

OP here: I have a Pakistani passport, so maybe that is exactly what she was expecting :)

Back on the Fourth of July this year, there was a story about a woman who tried to smuggle fireworks out of a Walmart in her ******. Somehow the thing got set off and she ended up with some pretty serious burns. Anyway, the point is that people will try all kinds of weird shit to smuggle stuff. You'd be surprised.

mermaidgirle 12

How in the hell did a firework start inside a ******?

Plot twist: the TSA agent was a lesbian looking for a quick release. But seriously, being pat down that intimately is not fun. Sorry OP.

FreckledSatan 17

because lesbians are sex offenders, we can't get a consensual "release", and touching someone's pad gives us sexual satisfaction. yikes!

Wtf, I didn't know they had ramped up airport security that much. Just ewwww

Baron_Kaz 15

Are they allowed to do that?? Seems inappropriate to me.

Yeah. They can be pretty strict. I flew out of a small airport two years ago in the UK where they strip searched every passenger.

Rude! It's dinner and a drink first at the very least!