By jennyygrace - 11/07/2009 00:16 - United States

Today, I was walking through airport security when a guard began making lewd gestures at his crotch, while looking at me. I was outraged until I realized he was trying to tell me that my fly was down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 610
You deserved it 41 645

Same thing different taste

Top comments

doomking10 0

Here's a tip: Stop being stupid.

how else was he meant to show you that your fly was down? you should've tried to understand what he was doing before you call him lewd.


how else was he meant to show you that your fly was down? you should've tried to understand what he was doing before you call him lewd.

doomking10 0

Here's a tip: Stop being stupid.

From the username I think OP is female.

it does say jennygrace... i'm sure it's a girl,

kyle_kbo20 0

so what girls have flys on there pants too.

girls wear jeans ya know.. and shorts.. and tons of other pants that require zippers

soulfhood24 0

YDI it for being an ignorant asshole. Seriously, what does everybody expect that everything is some sort of sick gesture? I mean, why would an airport security guard do that without having good intentions?

Indeed. Don't be so full of yourself and you may notice that the world doesn't really care about you. Not everything anyone does symbolizes that they want to do something sexual with you.

Two girls working in airport security once had a male celebrity walk through the machine that sees you nude, printed the picture and asked him to autograph it. You never know. (They were charged since the incident, btw.)

YDI for getting outraged that quick instead of using your common sense.