By kwill256 - 15/09/2016 10:21 - Australia

Today, I had an argument with my partner, which resulted in us breaking up and me leaving. I drove for half an hour before I realised I had left my handbag, purse and licence at his place. I had to go ask for it back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 274
You deserved it 3 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do people on this app always break up with their partner over one fight they had? Am I weird for talking it out with my partner?

Earlier: "I can't stand feeling like you're always out to get me, constantly policing my actions. It's terrible and suffocating!" Later: "I just need to get a few things back." "Ma'am, if you really are who you say you are, you'll have no problem showing some proof of identity." "It's me, damnit!"


I think if he was a cop, it may be more of an FML.

Which I certainly hope he gave back. If he didn't, it just speaks volumes about his character.

CliffyB03 28

It's not a matter of asking. You will get them back

Only a dick wouldn't give you your stuff back

There are a lot of people on this planet born with both the Y chromosome, and the normally associated appendage in their pants pockets. Unfortunately too many guys seem to let the little friend between their legs go to their heads; so yeah there are a lotta guys out their who behave like dicks!

No one has two Y chromosomes. Women have two X chromosomes. Men have one X and one Y chromosome...

Why do people on this app always break up with their partner over one fight they had? Am I weird for talking it out with my partner?

Redgy22 26

Well, your assuming it's over just one fight. It could be over many things & this one fight was the breaking point. And sometimes talking it through doesn't work, but good for you that it has.

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I think it's weirder to visit a site dedicated to stories about the worst relationships, pets, kids, bosses, coworkers, and sexual encounters and be surprised when none of the relationships are as healthy as yours. These stories are the best of the worst. It also seems weird to presume you can fit all the nuance of a breakup argument into a lighthearted story about an awkward realization.

DeadxManxWalking 27

It could be a build up to one big explosion and by that time they see no,way of resolving all of the issues and just walk away.

Did... Tripartita just make a serious comment? Uh oh, it must be a sign of the apocalypse.

*out of breath* Don't worry! It's been difficult, but I think I might've counteracted the effects by posting a typo correction that doesn't actually make any sense. Time will tell if we're in the clear. Remain strong.

Earlier: "I can't stand feeling like you're always out to get me, constantly policing my actions. It's terrible and suffocating!" Later: "I just need to get a few things back." "Ma'am, if you really are who you say you are, you'll have no problem showing some proof of identity." "It's me, damnit!"

Honest question: what's the difference between a purse and a handbag?

Redgy22 26

A purse can be carried over a shoulder, a handbag is just that. Something without straps that you carry in your hand. Sometimes also called a clutch, but all the terms are really interchangeable to most people.

7: A purse can be considered something small that you could put your money in (or ID, etc.), and can be placed inside of a handbag. A handbag would be considered a bag, that you can carry over your shoulders or in your hands that holds slightly bigger items.

In the UK (and I'm assuming Australia) a purse is a wallet. You can put it INTO a handbag. I think in America the words purse and handbag are pretty much interchangeable.

If you break up with your partner over one dissagreement, you get mad too easily. Especially when you get so mad that you forgot your handbag, purse, and license behind and don't realize it until half an hour later.

We have no idea that that's what happened. It could've been building up for a while. The disagreement could've been so major that there was no hope of staying together. An FML can't come close to telling us the whole story.

If it was major she would have said major argument.

Allornone 35

well, the argument ended with their breakup. I think it's safe to infer that it was major.

If he hadn't burned them before you got back, it means he still loves you.

askullnamedbilly 33

Oooooor he isn't a petty piece of trash. Either of those two options.

Hey, let's give this guy the benefit of the doubt -- maybe he was just emotionally distraught. Just because I, um, I mean, he torched her shit after she left doesn't mean I, um, he is a petty piece of shit.

who carries both a handbag and a purse O.o

In some countries a purse is basically a wallet