By Oh. - 23/07/2019 02:00

Today, I told my dad that failing to kill yourself must be really awful, because you think you’ve failed your life and then you even fail your death. My dad who, as I recalled when he shot me a sour look, tried to commit suicide during his youth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 616
You deserved it 2 494

Same thing different taste

Top comments

colderthanyou 15

That’s a stupid thing to say to anyone, regardless of their past. Let’s try to think twice next time

LostSoul 19

Why would you ever say that?


LostSoul 19

Why would you ever say that?

And having a kid like you made that failure even more bitter.

colderthanyou 15

That’s a stupid thing to say to anyone, regardless of their past. Let’s try to think twice next time

Suicide is a touchy topic my friend. Think before you talk.

My English cousin said to call you a "bellend". I have no idea what she means, but it sounds funny. You bellend. Don't get a job in mental health, or we're all screwed.

I bet you are glad he didn’t succeed. You would not be here writing this FML otherwise. But either way that is such a low blow thing to say in general