By CT - 25/11/2009 06:42 - United States

Today, I was told by my mother that the reason she quit her job as a counselor and divorced my dad was because she met someone through work. She works in a prison. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 796
You deserved it 2 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chickchick_fml 0

Okay, but did she say it was a prisoner?

lyndis_fml 0

You moron, do you honestly believe your mother is the only employee of the prison? Yeah. Other people work there too. Unless you're saying there's something wrong with prison employees (which includes your own mother), you're a ******* dumbass.


Say hello to your new father... You can call him daddy. ;)

Horde 8

You don't think she's the only non-prisoner in that prison, right?

haha thats what I thought!!! somebodys a lesbo?

oh damn a serial murderer or a rapist...whats the worst that could happen?

it's probally somebody that works there too.

chickchick_fml 0

Okay, but did she say it was a prisoner?

lyndis_fml 0

You moron, do you honestly believe your mother is the only employee of the prison? Yeah. Other people work there too. Unless you're saying there's something wrong with prison employees (which includes your own mother), you're a ******* dumbass.

It's actually pretty likley that her love interest was an inmate because the ops mom said that the reason she quit her job and divorced the ops dad is because she met someone at her job. You wouldn't have to quit your job in a prison if your dating an employee but if it's an inmate you would. Unless it was someone you are in charge of but it doesn't seem as if the ops mom was incharge of anyone.

She still could have met a fellow employee, quit her job and divorced the dad...

Another FML w/o enough info to merit a vote. Why would she quit being a prison councelor if she was hooking up with an inmate? That'd probably mean she would see him(?) less. She probably quit thinking she'd get more alimony in the divorce. I hope that comes back to bite her in the ass.

teach09 0

to #13 some employers do not allow coworkers to date...

I hear rape happens a lot in prison and that most guys won't give you the courtesy of a reach-around.

chickchick_fml 0

I bet you could suck a golfball through a garden hose! :/ lol

"Five-one? I didn't know they stacked s**t that high."

Xader 0

I will gouge out your eyeballs and skull-**** you...

faxe 0

I wouldn't trust her if I were you, are you sure she is even telling you the truth about your real dad? I mean a counsellor leaving for some guy in a prison, sounds like a very smart person.

So? Maybe the new man is a lawyer or other prison guard.