By K Holed - 29/01/2009 17:04 - United States

Today, my parents told me that they received a letter from a prison. Being curious they opened it up and read the entire thing. It was from this girl I randomly met. Now I have a prison stalker and my parents think I date felons. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 886
You deserved it 2 924

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How did she get your address? I'd keep an eye open if I were you

If you take her to a club, she can watch your back! I wouldn't fight an ex con.


ok........ :) well at least you kinda have a secret admirer..LOL


If you take her to a club, she can watch your back! I wouldn't fight an ex con.

MetalCraze 11

dude when people get out of prison they are incredibly horny go for it the sex will blow your mind

How did she get your address? I'd keep an eye open if I were you

#1 is right, also hopefully she is hot ;)

How do you randomly meet someone who is in prison?

legendofdon 0

YDI for meeting people in prison.

I know, right.. They are in trouble.. Didn't they know curiousity put the cat's ass in jail? I'm sick of hearing about parent's who can't control themselves and so, feel the need to over-control their kids.. It was not their right to open that letter.. The law will punish them.. Mhua ha ha ha ha..