By idrathernotgiveoutmyname - 31/01/2012 02:50 - Canada

Today, I was texting the guy I like. He's really smart, funny, athletic, and cute. This all changed when he told me he was jacking off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 916
You deserved it 8 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments


bamberbear 0

That just means he likes you:)

I think that implies a certain amount I disrespect. If you are dating that's one thing but to talk to you sexually as a friend is inappropriate. Kudos to him on the honesty part, but that level of personal information shouldn't be so openly shared....if he texts you like that and your not in a relationship, who else does he do it with? I agree FYL

massacreman3000 1

My boyfriend admitted he did a lot before we started having sex every night. It's a guy thing, don't let that change the fact that you think he's an amazing guy. Thats just being judgmental.

I don't think the problem is that he was masturbating. It's the manner in which the info was delivered. Him being a male doesn't justify having no class/manners. That absolutely would change how attractive I perceive someone .

Most (if not all) guys do it, so if you're trying to find one that doesn't you're going to be looking for a while...

perdix 29

There's only one guy who is smart, funny, athletic and cute who doesn't jack off, but he is taken by Barbie. Ken also has no genitals.

babyshaft408 8

At least he told u. U ********** too