By JadeDemolition - 24/08/2015 01:40 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I had my driver's permit in an envelope to keep it safe and a letter to mail out. I drove away from the post office with the letter in my hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 669
You deserved it 8 788

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry too much OP, there's a hobo walking around wondering what to do with a credit card he was given.

It always pays to double check before dropping it in the box. However you can go into the postoffice and they can have an employee get it back for you.


Dang sorry to hear that OP. Hopefully they mail it back to you. How come you didn't double check though?

Could you not contact the post office and explain the situation? Hope it gets sorted OP :(

It always pays to double check before dropping it in the box. However you can go into the postoffice and they can have an employee get it back for you.

crazyindynathan 13

It could be worse, you could have been pulled over afterwards, try explaining that one to a police officer.

Redoxx_fml 22

It could be even worse, you could have put the button the gypsy cursed you with into that envelope and shipped the one with your fiance's rare coin...oh wait that's the plot of "Drag Me to Hell"

Sorry to hear OP, perhaps try to explain this to the post office? Hope you get it back!

imkool136 22

Print a new one online while you order it.

The idea was to keep it safe. How ironic.

Don't worry too much OP, there's a hobo walking around wondering what to do with a credit card he was given.

Also figuring out how to get the pin number.

Actually you don't need a pin number for credit, debit you do.

#14, you do need a pin number if the card is chipped. You won't need the pin for online shopping, though. But how would a hobo have access to a computer with internet connection?

mzdaisylynn 12

Most public libraries offer the use of computers for a certain amount of time for free.

Edited out for being too early in the morning for me to comment without sounding dumb.

Man, the above FML and this one have a lot in common!