Greased lightning

By NotMyFootprints - 20/01/2022 08:01 - United States - Staten Island

Today, my housemate whined at me for tracking dirt into the house, saying how she shouldn't have to mop the floor after me, and that we have a doormat for a reason. She'd have a point, except I always walk barefoot indoors. FML
I agree, your life sucks 886
You deserved it 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Where's the dirt coming from? You probably need to catch the dirt-tracking intruder who's coming into your house!

Are you playing in the dirt outside? Because it sounds like your feet are grimy and full of dirt, and your housemate is tired of cleaning dirty footprints all over the house.


Where's the dirt coming from? You probably need to catch the dirt-tracking intruder who's coming into your house!

Are you playing in the dirt outside? Because it sounds like your feet are grimy and full of dirt, and your housemate is tired of cleaning dirty footprints all over the house.