By Anonymous - 30/01/2014 12:34 - United States

Today, I was sitting on the couch, watching The Avengers with my 4-year-old daughter, who loves the Hulk. When Hulk finally showed up, she excitedly looked at me and screamed, "Hulk Smash" before slamming both of her fists into my balls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 537
You deserved it 6 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Badass daughter if I say so myself

She has the makings of a superhero. You should be proud.


YDI for showing your 4 year old kid a PG-13...If you don't want her to punch you in the crotch, don't let her watch movies where people get punched in the crotch.

So.... who gets punched in the crotch in the Avengers?

Probably best to actually WATCH it before making comments. I've seen it multiple times - and she's definitely not immitating an action in the movie. Hulk does, however, "smash". She was immitating him. Just in a rather painful manner for daddy.

You know PG13 just means that some content may be unsuitable for a child or children under 13 can't see the movie in theatres or rent it without adult supervision, right? It's for the parent to decide whether or not the movie is appropriate for their child, not like M15+ or MA15+ (or R or NC-17+, depending on where you're from) where a child under 15 cannot see the film. If OP feels that The Avengers is appropriate for his 4 year old then that is his choice and it is by no means outside of the recommendation given by the relevant Motion Picture Association.

Guess it's time to get her enrolled in Mixed Martial Arts classes.

Y'all do know that the "PG" in "PG-13" stands for "parental guidance," right? He was there with her to fast forward past any parts he didn't want her to see or cover her eyes or whatnot. That's what parents are FOR. FYL, dude, but at least you're raising a kiddo with excellent taste in superheroes.

conqueror57 11

It's cool he let's her be into superheroes, but it's always more impressive when parents let their sons be into princesses and barbies.

Ad that moment, she had the same power as Hulk :-)

Well, we know who will play She-Hulk in the upcoming Avengers movies.

She's only four, so he probably doesn't know how much it hurts you. Just teach her not to hit you there... Or anywhere

On the bright side, when she gets older, no guy will ever try to mess with her because she'll just, "smash", them all

hulk smash her ass so shr doesny do it again